Instructions to start a club


Starting a Fashion Club® at your school


Step 1:

To initiate your journey as a Fashion Club® member, the club president or advisor must submit a club application. You will select whether you are establishing a new Fashion Club® at your school or renewing an existing one. You will need the names and contact information for your presidents, advisor and school administrator. When you register, make sure to use email addresses that you regularly check.

Step 2:

Once the advisor or president completes the application form, the presidents, advisor and administrator will receive an interactive email that allows them to review the Fashion Club® Codes of Conduct and digitally sign the application form. The email is sent on Mondays. Keep an eye out for an email to digitally sign your application form. Upon receiving all signatures, you will receive a confirmation email indicating that your club has been approved, and you can start and have fun!

Step 3:

Next, you'll receive an email with a link to register your club members. Each president and member must complete a member registration form to document their attendance and gain access to exclusive Fashion Club® scholarships and events. When you register, make sure to use an email that you regularly check. Complete your member registration.

Step 4:

Once you begin hosting meetings, each president and member needs to document their attendance. You can find the Meeting and Attendance form here.

Step 5:

Check the Fashion Club® website for more details. Additional information is added to the website every month. Join us for upcoming events, explore scholarship opportunities to attend ASU, access club resources and more!


Welcome to the Fashion Club® community!

Questions? Contact us at