Fashion Club® Scholarships

For high school seniors and college students only

All ASU FIDM Fashion Club presidents and active members are eligible to receive the Fashion Club® Scholarship to attend ASU. Your scholarship is awarded for full academic years and is renewable each semester for up to eight semesters for first-year students and four semesters for transfer students, as long as you remain eligible. It’s important to remember that changing your major, residency or campus may result in a scholarship amount adjustment. Students enrolled in an ASU Online program are ineligible for the Fashion Club Scholarship. Students may qualify for more than one merit scholarship, including the New American University Awards.

Fashion Club® Scholarships to attend Arizona State University

 Arizona resident

Non-Arizona resident and international students enrolled in Los Angeles

Non-Arizona resident and international students enrolled in Phoenix


Fashion Club® scholarship requirements

What ASU FIDM Fashion Club® presidents and active members need to do:

  1. Submit your club application and sign the interactive email to start or renew the fashion club by Jan. 15, 2024.
  2. The presidents, advisor and administrator on the club application need to digitally sign the interactive email.
  3. Register a minimum of five club members, including presidents.
  4. Make sure presidents and members sign up as official Fashion Club® members.
  5. Run the club for one academic year
  6. Attend a minimum of two ASU FIDM virtual or in-person events during the academic year. 
  7. Attend a minimum of six club meetings during the academic year.
    Each ASU FIDM event attended beyond the required two may count for a “meeting credit.” Fashion club members can receive up to two event meeting credits.
  8. Presidents and active members must log attendance online every time they attend a club meeting or activity.
  9. Presidents and active members are required to complete one of the following: essay or portfolio.
  10. Apply for admission to ASU by March 1, 2024.
  11. Complete all scholarship requirements by May 1, 2024.

More information regarding scholarship eligibility and requirements:

High school seniors: 

The scholarship must be used starting in the semester immediately following graduation from your high school, with consecutive enrollment at ASU. You may apply for the scholarship when you are in your senior year of high school. The Fashion Club Scholarship is disbursed only if you are enrolled in ASU courses full time (minimum 12 credit hours) each fall and spring semester.

Community college students: 

The scholarship must be used starting in the semester following graduation or transfer from your current college, with consecutive enrollment at ASU. You may apply for the scholarship within a year of course completion at your current college. Graduation from your current college with an associate degree is not required to apply for admission to ASU. You may apply for admission to ASU and be eligible for the Fashion Club Scholarship prior to obtaining a degree at your current college. The Fashion Club Scholarship is disbursed only if you are enrolled in ASU courses full time (minimum 12 credit hours) each fall and spring semester.

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